[수정 전]
lately, i started to read " Atomic habit" in English. it is easy to read and the subject in this book was actually i have interested in most.
and why i start to read this book is , to be honest, because of the youtube. Many booktubers who genuinely have read a lot books and have been filiming about book reviews and more, youtuber who usually deals with self-development, like all famous youtuber reviews this books.
maybe few months ago, so i already read this books in Korean, but at that time i didn't realize or learn anything. i just think that " oh, this is a just typical content of self-development in terms of how to have a good habit".
but after reading in enghish now, every pages just come to shock to me. so enjoyable and there are bunch of things i have to memorize. so, i decided i have to read more books in english especially when it comes to self-development.
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